From old files of Baba Pritpal Singh Bedi, it emerges that Baba Ram Singh Bedi had started his career in the Railway Police, where he served for a few years. He had received a Certificate of Proficiency on 24 May 1899 from G Archari Rundle, the Deputy Suprintendant of Police, incharge Police Training School Phillour and promoted to Sergeant.
He also received a Commendation Certificate from DIG Police, Railway and Crime Range for good wgork during the visit to the Punjab of his Royal Highness The Prince of Wales in 1905.
There is also a mention of a Commendation Certificate granted to Baba Ram Singh by Sydney Smith Esq. AIG on 10 Oct 1900 for good services rendered in the arrest of an accused and recovery of stolen railway property.
He also received a Certificate from Suprintendant, Census Operations, Punjab in recognition of the good and willing services he rendered in the Census Operation of 1911.
Baba RamSingh Bedi is also said to have received LUNGI award from His Excellency the Governor of Punjab, National War Front, British Government for his personal contribution towards the World War by sending his six sons out of seven into armed forces and also helping in securing good many recruits for contributing to the war effort.
His sons contribution was as follows:
1. Subedar (later Captain)Dr Inder Singh Bedi, IAMC, 17 CG Hospital, Malaya. He was taken in as Prisoner of War.
2. Capt Dr Jagjit Singh Bedi, IAMC , served for 2 years in Abasinia, Eriteria,Egypt, Libya and later also in Burma. Post war he served in MH Lahore.
3. Jemadar Kirpal Singh Bedi, IAOC, He served in no 10 IAOC Depot, Malaya, where he was taken Prisioner of War. Baba Ram Singh Bedi received intimation from IAOC Record Office Jubbulpore vide their letter no 7084/2276/X.30 dt 09.12.1942 that his son No 29829 I.W.O Kirpal Singh Bedi, unit 10 Ord. Depot is reported to be believed a prisoner of war since 15.02.1942.
4. Jemadar Darbara Singh Bedi, RIASC, he served in Ferozepur Cantt.
5. Amrik Singh Bedi, RIASC, he served in Kharian Camp.
6. Iqbal Singh Bedi, Dept of Defence, he served in Lahore and Amritsar.
Baba Ram Singh Bedi died on 11 May 1947 at Lahore and as per family sources, there was tense situation in general in Lahore during those times. The date of birth of Baba Ram Singh Bedi is not recorded. If any of the Quilewale Bedis has any information on the same, do share that with all. The eldest child of Baba Ram Singh Bedi was Baba Inder Singh Bedi. His date of birth is 22 Feb 1905. Working backward therefrom and considering young age marriages, his employment in Railways in 1899, and he being older than Baba Dalip Singh Bedi (YOB 1883), it can be assumed that Baba Ram Singh Bedi may have been born between1880 to 1883. He was married to Mata Mel Kaur from the Bhambrhi family.